I know I posted some goals and I would love to hit them. I decided to do some math and figure out if they are attainable. I will need to run really well and to win a lot of tournaments in order to make $50k. It's not impossible as I think if I maintain my discipline, I can beat the game up to $5/10.
I figured I will be playing about 2k hands per week which should account for about 96k hands. I am back grinding 2 tables at $2/4, but I know I need to move up in limits if I want to make more money. I know I can probably play more tables, but I want to concentrate and beat the tables I am playing at. Table selection is also something I have been improving and it should translate into more bb/100.
In the past 3 days after reading Low Limit Holdem by Lee Jones, I have been looking at the game a bit different and after 1k hands I have won 5bb/100. I know it's not enough, but I just feel different about the way I am playing, my reads are better and I am no longer a tight aggressive overplayer. I am still tight agressive, but changed to solid. This is very good.
So to start the year I will be playing mostly $2/4, grinding about 12k hands. I have close to 20k hands I winning about 1bb/100 which sucks. I feel like I was over aggressive and attempted to make many plays that players in this level don't grasp. In any case, I will use this as a basis to all my calculations, thus making goals that I can achieve. I want to keep on grinding and move up in limits. I plan to finish the year at $5/10. Here is the breakdown:
$2/4 - 12k hands(1bb/100) + (.5bb/100 in rakeback) = $480 profit + $240 rakeback
$3/6 - 50k hands(1bb/100) + (.5bb/100 in rakeback) = $3000 profit + $1500 rakeback
$5/10 - 34k hands(1bb/100) + (.5bb/100 in rakeback) = $3400 profit + $1700 rakeback
In all my goal should be to make about $10.3k and move up to the $5/10 tables. Ideally I will earn more, and be happy with my play. At the end of each amount of hands that I play I will post how much I won, charts etc.
I have to figure out when I will be playing tournaments as the schedule above is a tough schedule to keep and also play tourneys. I think I can play every other saturday. In addition I will continue to play sgns to make the free rolls for the website Clube do Poker. I think the 50k is possible, if I can make some final tables and win them. In all I would also like to earn 2bb/100 instead of the 1bb/100 which should put me at about $21k and much closer to what I really want to make for the year.
My next post will be on the first with my charts and numbers for sngs, mtts and cash games.
sexta-feira, dezembro 30, 2005
terça-feira, dezembro 27, 2005
2006 Rules and Goals
First of all, I want to be as disciplined as possible about my game in 2006. It will be the year, where I will make or break playing poker. I plan to use my 2006 stats to figure out the type of extra income I can extract from poker. So far whenever I won a big tourney, I take money out, or when I have an extra 1k sitting there I extract. This will be a year to grow my bank roll and to also determine if I am a winning player.
Since September I have had 2 winning months and 2 losing months. My overall winning percentage has staggered around 1bb/100 and although I don't think that's great, I am glad I am still a winning player. Tourney wise I have been able to get about 30% ROI. I will have a post in the beginning of the year with the post about my abilities.
Now I will be setting some rules:
Rule #1:
I will play consecutive days on whatever I did well on the day before, whether it is NLHE Cash, LHE Cash, PLO8 Cash, O8 Cash, SNG or Tourney.
Rule #2:
I will play NL and Limit, never both on the same day. Never play more than 2 tables. This has in mind improving my return.
Rule #3:
Unless in a tourney, never play more than 2 hours. I tend to make a lot of silly mistakes at the end of a session. I seem to lose focus.
Rule #4:
I will play 15 tourneys per month. I need to be selective and play those well. Sometimes I get busted early by another player's luck or by a bad play and I tend to start a new one quickly.
Rule #5:
I will play no more than 2 tournaments per day. This also allows me to concentrate on them and improve my reads. I tend to make a bad play if I am not concentrating or taking notes on the players.
Rule #6:
I will play only 2 tables SNGs at a time. I am not good enough to 4 table or 6 table. When I did try it hurt my ROI.
If I think of anything else I will update these rules later. Now let's set some goals.
* Make $50k overall, but breaking down about $25k in cash games and $25k in tourneys.
* Play 3k NLHE hands per month for a 4bb/100 profit
* Play 3k LHE hands per month for a 1.5bb/100 profit
* Play 1k LO8 hands per month for a profit
* Play 1k PLO8 hands per month for a profit
* Play at least 10 tourneys per month
* Play 30 SNG per month for more than 20% ROI
I think this is very reasonable, if I am capable of abiding by the rules. I will try to become more disciplined and focus on ameliorating my game by sculpting my skills... I hope my game is not as bombastic as this last sentence.
I am not sure whether I am moving my money out of my Party Poker account into Poker Stars. The new player VIP program is quite interesting and I would probably be inclined to play in it. My biggest problem is how to separate my bankrolls for tourneys and cash games since I like to play the $3Rebuys and 180Sngs there. I have to think about that. I like being an all around player in the types of the games that I described and for me this is also an important goal.
Since September I have had 2 winning months and 2 losing months. My overall winning percentage has staggered around 1bb/100 and although I don't think that's great, I am glad I am still a winning player. Tourney wise I have been able to get about 30% ROI. I will have a post in the beginning of the year with the post about my abilities.
Now I will be setting some rules:
Rule #1:
I will play consecutive days on whatever I did well on the day before, whether it is NLHE Cash, LHE Cash, PLO8 Cash, O8 Cash, SNG or Tourney.
Rule #2:
I will play NL and Limit, never both on the same day. Never play more than 2 tables. This has in mind improving my return.
Rule #3:
Unless in a tourney, never play more than 2 hours. I tend to make a lot of silly mistakes at the end of a session. I seem to lose focus.
Rule #4:
I will play 15 tourneys per month. I need to be selective and play those well. Sometimes I get busted early by another player's luck or by a bad play and I tend to start a new one quickly.
Rule #5:
I will play no more than 2 tournaments per day. This also allows me to concentrate on them and improve my reads. I tend to make a bad play if I am not concentrating or taking notes on the players.
Rule #6:
I will play only 2 tables SNGs at a time. I am not good enough to 4 table or 6 table. When I did try it hurt my ROI.
If I think of anything else I will update these rules later. Now let's set some goals.
* Make $50k overall, but breaking down about $25k in cash games and $25k in tourneys.
* Play 3k NLHE hands per month for a 4bb/100 profit
* Play 3k LHE hands per month for a 1.5bb/100 profit
* Play 1k LO8 hands per month for a profit
* Play 1k PLO8 hands per month for a profit
* Play at least 10 tourneys per month
* Play 30 SNG per month for more than 20% ROI
I think this is very reasonable, if I am capable of abiding by the rules. I will try to become more disciplined and focus on ameliorating my game by sculpting my skills... I hope my game is not as bombastic as this last sentence.
I am not sure whether I am moving my money out of my Party Poker account into Poker Stars. The new player VIP program is quite interesting and I would probably be inclined to play in it. My biggest problem is how to separate my bankrolls for tourneys and cash games since I like to play the $3Rebuys and 180Sngs there. I have to think about that. I like being an all around player in the types of the games that I described and for me this is also an important goal.
Color Up Chips - Racing (Portuguese)
Num torneio live longo com a subida dos blinds, algumas das fichas que voce iniciou comeca a acumular muito e eh recomendavel troca-las por fichas de valores maior.
Vamos dizer que voce esta num torneio de 200 pessoas onde cada jogador comeca com 5000 em fichas.
4 cores diferentes:
branca $25,
verde $50,
vermelha $100,
preta $500.
Os blinds sobem da seguinte maneira:
nivel 1
100/200 - color up branca
nivel 2
400/800 - color up verde
nivel 3
Se comecou com 200 jogadores, depois do primeiro nivel metade deve cair, e mais metade depois do outro e assim em diante. Isso eh a natureza de um torneio, sempre acontecerah assim...
O que importa eh que quem vai ficando vai acumulando as fichas de quem vai saindo. Entao eh necessario que em alguns niveis as fichas com denominacoes menores sejam retiradas da mesa para acabar com o acumulo. Como que isso eh feito?
Vamos supor q numa mesa de 10 jogadores, quando chegasse no fim do primeiro nivel os jogadores estivessem com os seguintes stacks.
J1 - 22525
J2 - 18250
J3 - 3850
J4 - 33050
J5 - 5575
J6 - 9000
J7 - 13425
J8 - 20025
J9 - 7050
J10 - 550
No fim desse nivel fichas de cores amarelas com denominacao 1000 irao ser adicionadas. Entao eles fazem o seguinte: eles comecam a trocas as fichas maiores por fichas de denominacoes menores. Se ele tem 201 brancas, que equivale a 5025 em fichas, ele ira receber 5 fichas amarelas e uma sobrara que participara da corrida. Eu vou demonstrar como eles ficariam. O mesmo vai acontecendo com as outras denominacoes. Os proprios dealers vao fazendo essa troca durante o torneio para agilizar mais o processo.
J1 -
15 fichas amarelas
10 fichas pretas
20 fichas vermelhas
10 fichas verdes
1 ficha branca
J2 -
10 fichas amarelas
12 fichas pretas
20 fichas vermelhas
5 fichas verdes
J3 -
4 fichas pretas
15 fichas vermelhas
7 fichas verdes
acho que voces ja entenderam mais ou menos...
O que importante eh quando fica fichas sobrando. No caso do jogador 1, 5, 7 e 8.
Nesse caso eles tem 1 ficha cada sobrando. Entao acontece a corrida pela ficha de denominacao maior. Essas 4 fichas de $25 sao trocadas por uma de $100. O dealer solta uma carta para cada jogador e quem tiver a maior carta entre os 4 jogadores fica com a ficha de $100.
Isso que eh color up e race the chips durante um torneio. No caso de fazer os color up das fichas de $100 eh possivel que um jogador tenha mais de uma ficha para ser trocada por uma denominacao maior. Exemplo 2:
J2 50300
J3 61100
J4 75700
vamos dizer que todas as fichas dos outros jogadores foram divididas corretamente. Mas esses jogadores nao puderam fazer essa divisao desde que tem umas denominacoes que nao quebram bem. Entao faz-se o seguinte:
J2 tem 3 fichas de 100, j3 tem 1 ficha de 100, e J4 tem 2 fichas. Nesse caso duas fichas de 500 seriam introduzidas. Os jogadores iriam correr por essas duas fichas. O dealer distribui 3 cartas consecutivas para o J2 e 1 carta para o J3 e duas cartas para o J4. O primeiro jogador com a maior carta recebe uma ficha e o segundo recebe a outra.
Vamos dizer que voce esta num torneio de 200 pessoas onde cada jogador comeca com 5000 em fichas.
4 cores diferentes:
branca $25,
verde $50,
vermelha $100,
preta $500.
Os blinds sobem da seguinte maneira:
nivel 1
100/200 - color up branca
nivel 2
400/800 - color up verde
nivel 3
Se comecou com 200 jogadores, depois do primeiro nivel metade deve cair, e mais metade depois do outro e assim em diante. Isso eh a natureza de um torneio, sempre acontecerah assim...
O que importa eh que quem vai ficando vai acumulando as fichas de quem vai saindo. Entao eh necessario que em alguns niveis as fichas com denominacoes menores sejam retiradas da mesa para acabar com o acumulo. Como que isso eh feito?
Vamos supor q numa mesa de 10 jogadores, quando chegasse no fim do primeiro nivel os jogadores estivessem com os seguintes stacks.
J1 - 22525
J2 - 18250
J3 - 3850
J4 - 33050
J5 - 5575
J6 - 9000
J7 - 13425
J8 - 20025
J9 - 7050
J10 - 550
No fim desse nivel fichas de cores amarelas com denominacao 1000 irao ser adicionadas. Entao eles fazem o seguinte: eles comecam a trocas as fichas maiores por fichas de denominacoes menores. Se ele tem 201 brancas, que equivale a 5025 em fichas, ele ira receber 5 fichas amarelas e uma sobrara que participara da corrida. Eu vou demonstrar como eles ficariam. O mesmo vai acontecendo com as outras denominacoes. Os proprios dealers vao fazendo essa troca durante o torneio para agilizar mais o processo.
J1 -
15 fichas amarelas
10 fichas pretas
20 fichas vermelhas
10 fichas verdes
1 ficha branca
J2 -
10 fichas amarelas
12 fichas pretas
20 fichas vermelhas
5 fichas verdes
J3 -
4 fichas pretas
15 fichas vermelhas
7 fichas verdes
acho que voces ja entenderam mais ou menos...
O que importante eh quando fica fichas sobrando. No caso do jogador 1, 5, 7 e 8.
Nesse caso eles tem 1 ficha cada sobrando. Entao acontece a corrida pela ficha de denominacao maior. Essas 4 fichas de $25 sao trocadas por uma de $100. O dealer solta uma carta para cada jogador e quem tiver a maior carta entre os 4 jogadores fica com a ficha de $100.
Isso que eh color up e race the chips durante um torneio. No caso de fazer os color up das fichas de $100 eh possivel que um jogador tenha mais de uma ficha para ser trocada por uma denominacao maior. Exemplo 2:
J2 50300
J3 61100
J4 75700
vamos dizer que todas as fichas dos outros jogadores foram divididas corretamente. Mas esses jogadores nao puderam fazer essa divisao desde que tem umas denominacoes que nao quebram bem. Entao faz-se o seguinte:
J2 tem 3 fichas de 100, j3 tem 1 ficha de 100, e J4 tem 2 fichas. Nesse caso duas fichas de 500 seriam introduzidas. Os jogadores iriam correr por essas duas fichas. O dealer distribui 3 cartas consecutivas para o J2 e 1 carta para o J3 e duas cartas para o J4. O primeiro jogador com a maior carta recebe uma ficha e o segundo recebe a outra.
4 Final Tables
You would think someone would be happy that they made 4 final tables in one week. I am not, I played about 34 tourneys this week, and I only made it to the money 20.5%(7). I am not down any money, but I would hope I could place more often. I have about 6 or 7 tourneys where I came 15 places or closer to the money. The reason I am upset is that my best tournaments I didn't make the money or when I did I got horrible beats. I know it's the nature of the game, but it has become so frequent I don't know what to think.
I am not proud of my first place finish. Although I played very well up to the final table, I made a huge mistake with 6 players left. Ran my KQ into AK and luckily with the blinds 1.5k and 3k, with a pitiful short stack 2.6k my T6 beat A5 to double up. By the way, the reason I won this hand is because the big stack raised instead of limping and giving other the chance to beat me. Next hand JT vs A9 and I double up again. Two hands later AJ vs KK and I flop two Jacks. Like I said I can't be proud of that. That put me in the chip lead, and then the cards fell into place. I got AA and KK in the big blind to take short stacks all in. Heads up I got lucky once again. About 15 hands into the match I raise with Q4s and I got called. Flop comes 244. Beautiful flop for me. He checks and so do I. Turn is the Q. He checks and so do I. River is a 9, he bets pot size. I raise half of his stack, he pushes all-in. He had A4. Now I was destined to win this, how many times did I get lucky???
Sometimes is not how well you play, is how lucky you get. You need luck in this game no matter how skillful you are. My 5th place I took a horrible beat. The player pulled a Kanter on me. Five-handed and blinds 1k-2k, he limps and I raise to 6k with AdJd on the button. He is the only that calls. Flop comes Ac 9x 3c. He checks and I bet pot (16k). He cold calls. The turn is 8x. I push all in for 31k. He has 32k and calls my all-in. He has Tc 8c. The river brings Th and just like that I lose a big chance to win a big one. By the way I did get lucky in the final table with 9 players. I pushed UTG with Ac 6h and I was shortstacked. The same player called me with Ah 9h. I rivered a four-flush to double up, getting very lucky. Maybe his calls were based on that. I am not sure. I just dislike that I got unlucky like that.
The 7th place I was shortstacked and there was nothing I could do. The party poker 8th place was bad because I misplayed AK. blinds 1k/2k, I had 20k and there was only the big blind as the sb had just been eliminated. I don't know what went through my head, but since this guy was the chip leader and was getting lucky left and right, i decided to mini raise to 5k, to attract action. He calls. Flop comes J 5 5. He bets into me and I jam. He had Q 5. I should have pushed preflop. Big mistake on my part, can't blame the player.
I know this has been a bad beat post, but I need to vent. I had several tournaments where I was doing well, and I would take horrible beats. Some of the hands:
PP $5 Rebuy - I was playing well, but dumped 75% of my stack on a bluff. I have to work on this, my reads online are not as good as live, and I have to learn to bluff less when opponents bet into me or call my continuation bets. This leads me into becoming a rock for the next 30 minutes. Until I see QQ in the big blind, and I have 2 limpers with good sized stacks, blinds are 200/400. I push all-in, one folds and the other thinks. I start saying call me with your lower pair... Yippie he did call me with 88. $@#%%@#%$ he flops the set!
6k FT Guarantee - I was controlled and playing extremely well. Blinds are $120/240 and I have JJ in the small blind. I had about 4.5k in chips and to my right there was this player who survived many all-ins in the past 40 minutes. He was super aggressive, but always seemed to hit the hand that doubled him up and got him back. He had about 3.2k in chips. Player before CO, raises to 540. Aggressive player reraises to 1.2k. I call and the other guy fold. I put him on AK and I figured if the A or K didn't flop I would move all in. flop comes all rags. I push and he thinks for a long time and calls with AQo. No draws!!!! Rivers Q. Unbelievable.
Two PS 180 Hands. 12 players left before the money, one player min raises UTG. I push all in with JJ. I needed to double up to make it to the money. He ponders and calls. He called 3/4 of his stack with QJo. But he flopped the Q. Great call buddy!
In the money, I have a quick problem thinking straight and dump 4k to a short stack with QJ. The min raise preflop was the correct call. The check call his all-in was horrible. I had nothing and he didn't have much either K9. but nothing came through. So I have 9k in chips, my M is of 5 and everyone folds to me and I have AQs. I really want a call from the chip leader who is on the big blind. So instead of auto move all-in, I let the time request pop-up and then I push all in. He thinks for a good 15 seconds and calls. I loved it... QT. Flop comes AKx -x - J. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
There are 2 things I need to improve. I need to let go of hands on later streets if my continuation bets didn't work. I am 90% of the times beat. Improve my reads on hands that I raise and then get bet into. Learn when to let go of the hand or reraise is a crucial skill.
quarta-feira, dezembro 14, 2005
Poker Stars SNG (180)
I just wanted to note I came in 6th on Monday night for one of these SNGs. I played really well, and I only sucked out once in the middle of the tourney when I was shortstacked and pushed all in with A8s and got called by the BB with AQ. I turned an 8 and won the hand. After that I had a nice rush and moved to the top 5 in the tourney to stay there until I moved all in in the final table with A7 and got called by the BB.
I want to thank my friend Leo who was there to sweat me. ;)
Quero agradecer ao amigo Leo que estava la para dar um secada!!! ;)
I want to thank my friend Leo who was there to sweat me. ;)
Eu esqueci de escrever aqui que na Segunda a noite eu cheguei em sexto lugar num desses SNGs. Eu joguei muito bem, e tive so dei sorte uma vez no meio do torneio quando estava com poucos fichas e empurrei all-in com A8 e o bigblind tinha AQ. O turn trouxe um 8 e eu ganhei a mao. Depois disso fiquei quente e subi para ficar entre os 5 primeiros. Nao sai de la ate a mesa final. Faltando 6 eu estava com poucas fichas e empurrei com A7 e outro jogado pagou com AQ.Quero agradecer ao amigo Leo que estava la para dar um secada!!! ;)
Review of the Month - Part 1 (SNGs)
I have been playing a lot of SNGs lately, and I wanted to report my December play as I believe I will continue to play in the upcoming months. First, I will set some goals, and then I will talk about where I stand in this month and show some of my stats.
As you know I have been playing NL Holdem, PL Holdem, Stud Hi/Lo and Omaha Hi/Lo. I think this will give me the chance to improve my overall game, and it makes me think a lot more about every play since it doesn't become "boring". I am currently playing the $10 SNGs at Party Poker. I am very excited to report that I am building my bankroll from a $50 deposit, which now stands at around 29 buy-ins.
I have played a total of 69 SNGs and I want to get to at least 150 before moving to the $20s. I guess that is my first goal. My second goal is to get closer to placing in the money (ITM) 48% of the times. I think it's very capable at the $10s. Most importantly I want my Return on Investment (ROI) to be between 33% to 40%. I am not sure whether that's possible, but I think I can do it and it's a nice goal.
Here are my stats for the month of December.
NL Holdem
Number of Tournaments 34
1st Place 2
2nd Place 5
3rd Place 4
4th Place 5
5th-7th 9
8th-10th 9
ITM 32.3%
ROI -13.3%
Return $ -44
I am not happy at all with my NL play. I have to improve several aspects of my game at No-Limit. I have to move a lot of the 8th-10th into 5th-7th places and most of those to 3rd through 4th. My stats show how horrible I am playing, but I think it's just lack of concentration and sometimes what I call "I'M TOO GOOD" syndrome which makes me play any 2 cards.
I think my results for the other 3 types of tournaments are much better, just because they are new to me and also because I haven't played enough, so I am just more careful with my starting hand selection. I am also very aware this is not enough tournaments to really have any realistic read into the numbers. But I want to do this to encourage some of my friends who are not doing it for themselves and they should.
PL Holdem
Number of Tournaments 13
1st Place 5
2nd Place 0
3rd Place 2
4th Place 0
5th-7th 6
8th-10th 0
ITM 53.8%
ROI 50.7%
Return $ 144
Omaha Hi/Lo
Number of Tournaments 11
1st Place 0
2nd Place 1
3rd Place 4
4th Place 1
5th-7th 3
8th-10th 2
ITM 45.5%
ROI -10%
Return $ 10
Stud Hi/Lo
Number of Tournaments 11
1st Place 3
2nd Place 2
3rd Place 1
4th Place 0
5th-7th 5
8th-10th 0
ITM 54.4%
ROI 34.2%
Return $ 63
ITM 42.4%
ROI 20.4
Return $ 155
This tells me I am playing a good tight game in Stud and PL Holdem, but not so in Omaha and NL. In NL, I have a tendency to push with AK and AQ and these hands are burning me a bit in the early parts of the tourney. In Omaha, I think I played well, but I am too loose early on which shows in the stats. There is no reason I shouldn't be able to place in the top 5 in Omaha Hi/Lo.
I am doing this to set goals for myself, and to show some players what they should be doing. I hope it helps as I know it helps me.
As you know I have been playing NL Holdem, PL Holdem, Stud Hi/Lo and Omaha Hi/Lo. I think this will give me the chance to improve my overall game, and it makes me think a lot more about every play since it doesn't become "boring". I am currently playing the $10 SNGs at Party Poker. I am very excited to report that I am building my bankroll from a $50 deposit, which now stands at around 29 buy-ins.
I have played a total of 69 SNGs and I want to get to at least 150 before moving to the $20s. I guess that is my first goal. My second goal is to get closer to placing in the money (ITM) 48% of the times. I think it's very capable at the $10s. Most importantly I want my Return on Investment (ROI) to be between 33% to 40%. I am not sure whether that's possible, but I think I can do it and it's a nice goal.
Here are my stats for the month of December.
NL Holdem
Number of Tournaments 34
1st Place 2
2nd Place 5
3rd Place 4
4th Place 5
5th-7th 9
8th-10th 9
ITM 32.3%
ROI -13.3%
Return $ -44
I am not happy at all with my NL play. I have to improve several aspects of my game at No-Limit. I have to move a lot of the 8th-10th into 5th-7th places and most of those to 3rd through 4th. My stats show how horrible I am playing, but I think it's just lack of concentration and sometimes what I call "I'M TOO GOOD" syndrome which makes me play any 2 cards.
I think my results for the other 3 types of tournaments are much better, just because they are new to me and also because I haven't played enough, so I am just more careful with my starting hand selection. I am also very aware this is not enough tournaments to really have any realistic read into the numbers. But I want to do this to encourage some of my friends who are not doing it for themselves and they should.
PL Holdem
Number of Tournaments 13
1st Place 5
2nd Place 0
3rd Place 2
4th Place 0
5th-7th 6
8th-10th 0
ITM 53.8%
ROI 50.7%
Return $ 144
Omaha Hi/Lo
Number of Tournaments 11
1st Place 0
2nd Place 1
3rd Place 4
4th Place 1
5th-7th 3
8th-10th 2
ITM 45.5%
ROI -10%
Return $ 10
Stud Hi/Lo
Number of Tournaments 11
1st Place 3
2nd Place 2
3rd Place 1
4th Place 0
5th-7th 5
8th-10th 0
ITM 54.4%
ROI 34.2%
Return $ 63
ITM 42.4%
ROI 20.4
Return $ 155
This tells me I am playing a good tight game in Stud and PL Holdem, but not so in Omaha and NL. In NL, I have a tendency to push with AK and AQ and these hands are burning me a bit in the early parts of the tourney. In Omaha, I think I played well, but I am too loose early on which shows in the stats. There is no reason I shouldn't be able to place in the top 5 in Omaha Hi/Lo.
I am doing this to set goals for myself, and to show some players what they should be doing. I hope it helps as I know it helps me.
segunda-feira, dezembro 12, 2005
Review of the Month
The end of year is coming and my next 3 posts will be on my recent play at the NL1-2, SNG and some free rolls that I participated over the weekend.
I would also like to review my goals, and reevaluate what I want to do going forward. Today I am taking the day off. Yesterday was 2-3 outer day against me. The most important thing is that I didn't tilt once. I am getting much better at controlling my feelings. I know I am putting my money in when I have the best hand and that's the best I can do.
Eu tambem vou revisar minhas metas, e decidir o que eu quero fazer nos proximos 4 a 6 meses. Hoje estou tirando o dia de folga. Ontem eu perdi varias maos para 2-3 outers. O mais importante eh que eu nao perdi o controle nenhuma vez. Estou conseguindo me controlar muito melhor. O que importa eh que estou colocando o dinheiro dentro quando tenho a melhor mao, e isso eh tudo que eu posso fazer.
I would also like to review my goals, and reevaluate what I want to do going forward. Today I am taking the day off. Yesterday was 2-3 outer day against me. The most important thing is that I didn't tilt once. I am getting much better at controlling my feelings. I know I am putting my money in when I have the best hand and that's the best I can do.
O fim do ano esta chegando e os meus 3 proximos posts serao sobre o meu jogo de NL1-2, SNG e dois free rolls que eu participei no fim de semana.Eu tambem vou revisar minhas metas, e decidir o que eu quero fazer nos proximos 4 a 6 meses. Hoje estou tirando o dia de folga. Ontem eu perdi varias maos para 2-3 outers. O mais importante eh que eu nao perdi o controle nenhuma vez. Estou conseguindo me controlar muito melhor. O que importa eh que estou colocando o dinheiro dentro quando tenho a melhor mao, e isso eh tudo que eu posso fazer.
quinta-feira, dezembro 08, 2005
I have been playing 4 SNGs per day and after starting with an awesome run. I had about 17 where the most I was able to do was get into 3rd place about 2 times. This was very frustrating. I lost many races where I was ahead and I had one or 2 beats where there were pp confrontations and I lost(AA vs JJ and QQ vs 88). I had only $25 left, so I sat down at the NL25 shorthanded. I had a really good run and got my money back to $100. This was fun. Back at the SNGs.
So I played about 8 in the past two days. 2NL Holdem, 2PL Holdem, 2Stud8 and 2Omaha8. The cards have been doing justice to my game. I came in first 3 times, and 2nd twice, and that's really good. I am very excited about Stud8 and Omaha8. It's a game that certainly awards good tight play early on and aggressive short handed play which is my strength in tourneys.
I have said before that I am doing this mostly because of the free-roll that Clube do Poker gives every month. There is a very good post on that site and another very good one at the Brazilian Circuit Blog Site. Must read if you are trying to improve your game.
Nos ultimos dias joguei por volta de 8. Uma mistura de NL Holdem, PL HOldem, Stud8 e Omaha8. As cartas me ajudaram muito e eu cheguei em primeiro 3x e segundo 2, fui muito bem. Estou gostando de jogar Stud8 e Omaha8. Eh um jogo que remunera o jogador bom e agressivo quando esta perto as ultimos 4, o que eu considero um dos meus fortes.
Eu ja falei que estou fazendo isso simplesmente por causa do free-roll mensal do Clube do Poker. No site deles tem uma materia muito boa sobre SNG e tambem uma outra no site do Circuito Brasileiro. Leitura obrigatoria para quem quer melhorar o jogo neste estilo.
So I played about 8 in the past two days. 2NL Holdem, 2PL Holdem, 2Stud8 and 2Omaha8. The cards have been doing justice to my game. I came in first 3 times, and 2nd twice, and that's really good. I am very excited about Stud8 and Omaha8. It's a game that certainly awards good tight play early on and aggressive short handed play which is my strength in tourneys.
I have said before that I am doing this mostly because of the free-roll that Clube do Poker gives every month. There is a very good post on that site and another very good one at the Brazilian Circuit Blog Site. Must read if you are trying to improve your game.
Eu tenho jogado 4 Sng por dia e logo que eu iniciei eu tive bom sucesso. Mas nos ultimos 17 eu nao me dei muito bem. As melhores colocoes foram terceiro 2 vezes. A falta de resultados foi muito frustrante. Perdi varias corridas onde eu era o favorito, alem de algumas maos onde eu era o favorito com o outro jogador, mas a mao deles melhoraram (AA vs JJ e QQ vs 88). So me faltavam $25 dos $50 que eu havia depositado. Sentei numa mesa de NL25 com 6 jogadores e transformei esse dinheiro em $100. Foi divertido e la estava eu de volta aos SNGs.Nos ultimos dias joguei por volta de 8. Uma mistura de NL Holdem, PL HOldem, Stud8 e Omaha8. As cartas me ajudaram muito e eu cheguei em primeiro 3x e segundo 2, fui muito bem. Estou gostando de jogar Stud8 e Omaha8. Eh um jogo que remunera o jogador bom e agressivo quando esta perto as ultimos 4, o que eu considero um dos meus fortes.
Eu ja falei que estou fazendo isso simplesmente por causa do free-roll mensal do Clube do Poker. No site deles tem uma materia muito boa sobre SNG e tambem uma outra no site do Circuito Brasileiro. Leitura obrigatoria para quem quer melhorar o jogo neste estilo.
quarta-feira, dezembro 07, 2005
Last 2 Weeks
The last 2 weeks I have been quite busy. I went to Brasil and had a really awesome time. I met someone who I plan to visit again when I go back in January and February. I played some poker while hanging out at my aunt's house drinking a few beers with my cousins and uncle. Basically, I set up an account with party poker through Clube do Poker so I can participate in their monthly 5k free roll. I can say that making the money is not hard, although the last 3 tables normally consists of solid good players. I got my $50 roll up to $200 and that was fun. In this account I play mostly SNG$10, as they also have a ranking system attached to Party Poker that only the top 200 players can play in the free roll. If you place in first 5 times you will definitely be in the top 200. I qualified easily in November and I only had a few days. The tournament will be this Sunday.
With my full-tilt account I have not moved anywhere after going through that hot streak. I have had some good days, but also some bad days. Actually I was close to topping my chart yesterday when my AA ran into a passively slow played KK and I lost about a buy-in and half. Tough one as the board at the end read K 5 3 3 3. Nothing I could do.
On the other hand I had a great time last weekend at the Borgata. I made about $700 in cash plus $500 at the blackjack tables... Pretty good weekend. I rarely play blackjack. I wasn't really going there this weekend to play poker, mostly meet with 3 friends from work. Since they play blackjack I decided to play too and it worked out for most of us. I made $500, a friend $200 and another $100. One of them sat down with only $100 and his money vaporized quickly at the $25 table.
I played 5 hours of poker on Saturday before they got there, and my tight aggressive agressive style (bluffs at opportunistic times + show) throws these players out. I love playing live as I am a very good opponent reader. I pride myself in that. I think I played very very well although I walked out losing $135. No bad beats as I made all the right plays at the right times, and I only walked out a loser because my friends arrived and I decided to call it. I pretty much had the whole table staked out.
On Sunday, my friends left and I headed over to the poker room at 11:30. Played until 7pm. I cashed in $800. Again the $1/2 are very passive, with a lot of limpers, players giving a lot of tells. I played my A game, and also managed to dodge a big hand. I had AA vs TT. The guy was a good player and I was hoping he had QQ or KK. But he had TT. The flop was Th9h8 . The pot was $150 so I potted. He had $200 and pushed all-in, I called his last $50 and managed to catch my A on the river. It was a big hand. Again overall I played very well, and I think I made all the right calls and plays. I will back again this weekend and next weekend I head to Vegas.
Na conta do full-tilt eu nao ganhei quase nada. Estou ganhando e perdendo e nao tenho capitalizado. Eu cometi dois erros, um dia joguei demais (por volta de 2000 maos - 4 mesas) e isso prejudicou o meu empenho. Ontem depois de ter bebido umas dpeois do trabalho, novamente joguei demais da conta... Ja havia jogado por 1 hora e tava batendo um sono e nao fui dormir. Eu estava perto de bater o topo do meu grafico que contem as flutuacoes do meu jogo. Com AA eu perdi um buy-in e meio por causa do jogador que jogou KK passivamente. No fim o board lia K 5 3 3 3 e eu nao consegui colocar ele num full-house melhor. Nada que poderia ter feito.
No entanto eu nao posso reclamar do meu fim de semana no Borgata. Eu nao fui para jogar, fui mesmo para me divertir com os amigos do trabalho, mas acabei fazendo $700 jogando e $500 no blackjack. Raramente jogo blackjack, mas por estar com meus amigos acabei fazendo. Nao foi ruim ja q somente um nao ganhou dinheiro. Eu fiz $500, um amigo $200 e outro $100. Um perdeu $100, mas tambem sentou na mesa de $25 e em 4 maos frias perdeu a grana.
Sabado antes deles chegarem eu joguei 5 horinhas de poker. Meu estilo faz com que os jogadores nao fiquem com medo contra mim. Isso eh otimo. Fiz alguns blefes oportunisticos e joguei muito bem. Nao cometi nenhum erro que eu me lembre. Jogar ao vivo eh muito bom, porque me ajuda com as leituras dos jogadores. Eu acredito ser um otimo leitor de jogadores. No sabado eu perdi $135, mas foi por causa meus amigos chegaram e eu estava acabando de perder uma mao. Nao me preocupei em recuperar.
No Domingo, meus amigos foram para casa e eu parti para jogar um pouco as 11:30 da manha. Fiquei jogando ate 7 da noite. Eu ganhei $800. O jogo $1/2 eh muito passivo e tem um monte de gente jogando muito muito "loose". As pessoas fazem caras entre outras coisas. Dificil de nao ganhar. Eu tambem contei com a sorte quando meu AA encontrou um TT q tinha no flop Th 9h 8. A trinca dele foi foda desde q eu tava pot committed e eu tinha colocado ele em QQ ou KK ja que era um jogador bom. No turn veio outro coracao o q me deu outs para fazer o flush, e no river veio o A. Me livrei bem. De qualquer maneira eu joguei muito bem, nao cometi erros e eh isso que eu tiro deste jogo. Esta semana eu volto para la, mas somente para jogar e na proxima semana eu sigo para Vegas.
With my full-tilt account I have not moved anywhere after going through that hot streak. I have had some good days, but also some bad days. Actually I was close to topping my chart yesterday when my AA ran into a passively slow played KK and I lost about a buy-in and half. Tough one as the board at the end read K 5 3 3 3. Nothing I could do.
On the other hand I had a great time last weekend at the Borgata. I made about $700 in cash plus $500 at the blackjack tables... Pretty good weekend. I rarely play blackjack. I wasn't really going there this weekend to play poker, mostly meet with 3 friends from work. Since they play blackjack I decided to play too and it worked out for most of us. I made $500, a friend $200 and another $100. One of them sat down with only $100 and his money vaporized quickly at the $25 table.
I played 5 hours of poker on Saturday before they got there, and my tight aggressive agressive style (bluffs at opportunistic times + show) throws these players out. I love playing live as I am a very good opponent reader. I pride myself in that. I think I played very very well although I walked out losing $135. No bad beats as I made all the right plays at the right times, and I only walked out a loser because my friends arrived and I decided to call it. I pretty much had the whole table staked out.
On Sunday, my friends left and I headed over to the poker room at 11:30. Played until 7pm. I cashed in $800. Again the $1/2 are very passive, with a lot of limpers, players giving a lot of tells. I played my A game, and also managed to dodge a big hand. I had AA vs TT. The guy was a good player and I was hoping he had QQ or KK. But he had TT. The flop was Th9h8 . The pot was $150 so I potted. He had $200 and pushed all-in, I called his last $50 and managed to catch my A on the river. It was a big hand. Again overall I played very well, and I think I made all the right calls and plays. I will back again this weekend and next weekend I head to Vegas.
Eu estive muito ocupado nas ultimas duas semanas. Eu fiz uma visita ao Brasil e me diverti muito. Eu conheci alguem que estou planejando visitar novamente quando voltar em Janeiro e Fevereiro. Eu joguei um pouco de poker enquanto me recuperava da noite e bebia com meus primos e meu tio. Eu criei uma conta com o Party Poker pelo site Clube do Poker para eu poder participar no free roll mensal deles. Chegar no dinheiro nao eh muito complicado, mas as ultimas mesas contam com jogadores de altissimo nivel. Eu inicei com $50 e ja estou com $200, jogando na maior parte SNG$10. Eu nao jogo cash games porque tenho que pontuar nos rankings deles para participar no torneio. Somente os 150 ou 200 primeiros poderao participar do free roll. Se chegar em primeiro 5x isso te colocara entre os 200 com certeza. Eu me classifiquei com facilidade em Novembro, ja que soh joguei no fim do mes. O torneio sera nesse Domingo.Na conta do full-tilt eu nao ganhei quase nada. Estou ganhando e perdendo e nao tenho capitalizado. Eu cometi dois erros, um dia joguei demais (por volta de 2000 maos - 4 mesas) e isso prejudicou o meu empenho. Ontem depois de ter bebido umas dpeois do trabalho, novamente joguei demais da conta... Ja havia jogado por 1 hora e tava batendo um sono e nao fui dormir. Eu estava perto de bater o topo do meu grafico que contem as flutuacoes do meu jogo. Com AA eu perdi um buy-in e meio por causa do jogador que jogou KK passivamente. No fim o board lia K 5 3 3 3 e eu nao consegui colocar ele num full-house melhor. Nada que poderia ter feito.
No entanto eu nao posso reclamar do meu fim de semana no Borgata. Eu nao fui para jogar, fui mesmo para me divertir com os amigos do trabalho, mas acabei fazendo $700 jogando e $500 no blackjack. Raramente jogo blackjack, mas por estar com meus amigos acabei fazendo. Nao foi ruim ja q somente um nao ganhou dinheiro. Eu fiz $500, um amigo $200 e outro $100. Um perdeu $100, mas tambem sentou na mesa de $25 e em 4 maos frias perdeu a grana.
Sabado antes deles chegarem eu joguei 5 horinhas de poker. Meu estilo faz com que os jogadores nao fiquem com medo contra mim. Isso eh otimo. Fiz alguns blefes oportunisticos e joguei muito bem. Nao cometi nenhum erro que eu me lembre. Jogar ao vivo eh muito bom, porque me ajuda com as leituras dos jogadores. Eu acredito ser um otimo leitor de jogadores. No sabado eu perdi $135, mas foi por causa meus amigos chegaram e eu estava acabando de perder uma mao. Nao me preocupei em recuperar.
No Domingo, meus amigos foram para casa e eu parti para jogar um pouco as 11:30 da manha. Fiquei jogando ate 7 da noite. Eu ganhei $800. O jogo $1/2 eh muito passivo e tem um monte de gente jogando muito muito "loose". As pessoas fazem caras entre outras coisas. Dificil de nao ganhar. Eu tambem contei com a sorte quando meu AA encontrou um TT q tinha no flop Th 9h 8. A trinca dele foi foda desde q eu tava pot committed e eu tinha colocado ele em QQ ou KK ja que era um jogador bom. No turn veio outro coracao o q me deu outs para fazer o flush, e no river veio o A. Me livrei bem. De qualquer maneira eu joguei muito bem, nao cometi erros e eh isso que eu tiro deste jogo. Esta semana eu volto para la, mas somente para jogar e na proxima semana eu sigo para Vegas.
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